CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a fundamental technology used to style web pages and define how HTML elements are presented on a website. It works by describing the appearance of a document written in a markup language like HTML. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what CSS is and how it works:

  1. Styling HTML Elements –
    • HTML is the structure of a webpage, defining its content using elements like headings, paragraphs, lists, images, etc. CSS allows you to control how these elements look on the page. For example, you can change the font, colour, size, spacing, and positioning of elements using CSS.
  2. Separation of Content and Presentation –
    • One of the key principles of web design is separating content (HTML) from presentation (CSS). This separation enhances maintainability and flexibility. It allows you to change the look and feel of a website without altering its underlying content.

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